The following customers have used our products:

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e. V.
Am Köllnischen Park 1
GER – 10179 Berlin
Solar bag Equipment for Ärzte ohne Grenzen e. V. in cooperation with SunnyBAG

Conrad Electronic SE
Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1
92240 Hirschau

DB Vertrieb GmbH
Stephensonstraße 1
D – 60326 Frankfurt am Main
Advertising medium

Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
GER – 53113 Bonn
Advertising medium: solar panels for the management and supporters

Golf- und Land-Club Berlin-Wannsee e.V.
Golfweg 22
GER – 14109 Berlin
Equipment of golf carts with semi flexible outdoor solar panels.

Herweck Aktiengesellschaft
Geistkircher Straße 18
66386 St. Ingbert-Rohrbach

Sundial-Berlin e. V.
Blankenburger Str.9
GER – 13156 Berlin
Cooperation partners for the art event: The world’s largest sundial